Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lazy sundayyyyy

Sunday again! that's mean esok monday, i have 2 thing to do tomorrow!

  1. GYM, it's Leg Day - really looking forward and totally ready!! (ayat poyo sgt kan kan haha )
  2. Keje!! da lama sgt cuti..huwarghhhhhh!! and i'm not ready..tak ready nk keje..why do i have to work :( hahahaha
Thinking about working make me crazy! hahahaa..prefer going to gym everyday dari pegi keje hari2 hahahaha..tu diaaaa ayat poyosss..Ok hari ni rest day  from everything,except have to prepare some meal untuk mingu depan, da siap da pun..buat untuk hari selasa -khamis jea..since monday and friday WFH so boleh main masak2 sikit..ok ni hasilnya.

Untuk Brunch hari ni plak, lily buat Mee shirataki fried beef + telur mata..sedappp and carb around 2-3g saja..low in carb and high in fiber! Jyeaaahhhh!!

ok la, tu saja nk share..kan da cakap lazy sunday? hehe..

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chocolate Ice Cream LowCarb again..ok kali ni ice cream chocolate plak, lowcarb and highfat..kalo PT lily tau confirm kena bebel, dia tak berapa berkenan dgn diet high fat ni, lowcarb low fat dia ok..hahaha..sorry erk Imran..skali skala..lagipun nk abiskan whipping cream peti ais tu, hari tu nak buat cheese cake atkins tapi tetiba malas buat ice cream la plak, senang saja..2min saja..sekejap me!

Bahan2 :

  • 200ml whipping cream (*1kotak)
  • 1/4 cawan air sejuk
  • 1Biji Telur Size A
  • Essen Vanila 
  • 1tbsp Hershey's Cocoa (*lowcarb) sama brand dengan yg lily pkai utk buat mugcake
  • Equals/Stevia (*tak nak bubuh pun xpe, tp lily bubuh!) 


  • Pukul Telur tu sampai kembang
  • Campurkan 1tbsp Hershey's Cocoa dan gaul sampai sebati
  • Campurkan Equals dan gaul sampai sebati, utk Equals/Stevia ni, terpulang la nk letak bape sachet..kalo nk manis bubuh lebih sikit..lily bubuh 4 pakej
  • Campurkan Essen Vanila dan gaul sampai sebati
  • Masukkan whipping cream ke dalam adunan dan macam biasa kacau sampai sebati :D
  • Last but not least, Masukkan air sejuk dan gaul sampai sebati again..
  • Masukkan dalam tupperware dan letak kan dalam tempat beku..siappppp!!

Inilah hasil lepas campurkan ke semua bahan2 :)

*if korang rasa warnanya tak memberansangkan atau tak menarik, korang boleh add another 1tbsp Hershey's Cocoa

*Resepi ni lily amik darik budak2 KDA,thanks yea korang for sharing :*

Sekejap je kan kan kan..hehe..Selamat Mencuba yeaaa :)

owh yeahh, 10days lagi nk weight in! wish me luckkkk

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Telur Gulung Sardin

Telur Gulung Sardin

Boring makan telur? maybe busan asyik tengok benda sama jea kot..telur rebus, telur separuh masak, telur hancus, telur dadar, etc la...ok kali ni try telur gulung plak..Nk prepare pun sekejap saja dengan menggunakan 3bahan huhu


  • 2Biji Telur Size A
  • Salad/Lettuce
  • Sardin (masak sardin ni dlu yea)


  • Pecah dan pukul telur tu
  • Guna non-stick pan, then korang masak la telur tu..nipis2 la sebab nk bungkus kan dia kan nanti :D
  • Telur dadar nipis yg sudah dimasak, korang letak salad/lettuce dan letak sardine
  • Last but not least, Gulungkan saja..Siap!!!

Selamat Mencubaaaa :)

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Friday, August 22, 2014

Cream Cheese Pancakes

Hi always, lily nk share another resepi, ala resepi ni korang leh google ada yg complicated sgt, i like to keep it simple and delicious..Guna 4 Bahan jea da jadi..check dis out ok..rupanya muka tak berapa nak cantik sgt tp sedap wehhhh..seriously mmg sedap and korg mmg wajib try!

Cream Cheese Pancakes

Cream Cheese Pancakes

2 oz cream cheese
2 eggs
1 packet equals or any other sweetener
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (utk bau yg tip top dan utk boost up metabolisme)

Cara-Caranya : yg paling senang skali..korg campur sume bahan2 kat atas tu dalam blender.
Blend sampai smooth atau adunan sebati.
Biarkan dalam 2minit camtu la untuk hilangkan buih2 lepas blend tu..
Panaskan pan dan letak butter sikit, the trick is kalo guna butter bau dia mmg wangi sgttt..
Then masak smpi warna keperang-perangan

Tu saja..da kata kan senang saja hehe

Notes: Hidangan ni boleh buat dalam 4 keping saja, depends dgn size korg..

Selamat Mencuba!! Happy Atkins :)

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

MEAL Preparation for 11/8 - 17/8

OK nampak sgt jarang update blog ni kan? kali ni, nk share MEAL PLAN lily utk this whole week..Basically skrg ni lily tgh focus kepada ATKINS dlu, nk try stick with this plan and see how..nnt end of this week i'll update lagi yea and see the progress :)

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"