Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lazy sundayyyyy

Sunday again! that's mean esok monday, i have 2 thing to do tomorrow!

  1. GYM, it's Leg Day - really looking forward and totally ready!! (ayat poyo sgt kan kan haha )
  2. Keje!! da lama sgt cuti..huwarghhhhhh!! and i'm not ready..tak ready nk keje..why do i have to work :( hahahaha
Thinking about working make me crazy! hahahaa..prefer going to gym everyday dari pegi keje hari2 hahahaha..tu diaaaa ayat poyosss..Ok hari ni rest day  from everything,except have to prepare some meal untuk mingu depan, da siap da pun..buat untuk hari selasa -khamis jea..since monday and friday WFH so boleh main masak2 sikit..ok ni hasilnya.

Untuk Brunch hari ni plak, lily buat Mee shirataki fried beef + telur mata..sedappp and carb around 2-3g saja..low in carb and high in fiber! Jyeaaahhhh!!

ok la, tu saja nk share..kan da cakap lazy sunday? hehe..

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

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