Wednesday, December 30, 2020



These terms form the basis of the contract between our customer and LilyCakeCrumbs. These Terms, your order, and your order confirmation are considered by us to set out the whole agreement between you and us for the sale of our products. It is your responsibility to check all details in the order confirmation are complete and accurate as this is the document we work to when completing your order.


LilyCakeCrumbs will provide a professionally decorated products in a timely manner as specified in the invoice or order. We appreciate your business and we are honored that you have chosen us for your special celebration. We guarantee that the flavors, size, and general design elements will be met as outlined. If you are not satisfied with our product(s) please let us know at the time you receive your order. Once your order is accepted, refunds will not be considered. 


We require a 50% non-refundable deposit to confirm an order. The remaining 50% is due upon the completion of the delivery, at which point all changes must be confirmed (changes to the previously agreed design may incur extra fees). Payment can be made earlier if you wish. Failure to complete deposit before the delivery date may result in your cake order being cancelled. Deposits are non-refundable. 


We warrant that on delivery or collection the cakes shall conform to their description as set out in the Order Confirmation, be of satisfactory quality, and comply with all food safety by KKM and JAKIM Malaysia. We will not be held responsible for customer disappointment of the design or the interpretation of the cake as long as it is made in line with the customer’s pre-agreed requirements set out in the order confirmation and will face no consequent liability. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure all details within the order confirmation and sketch are correct and meet their exact requirements.


All orders may be collected free of charge from LilyCakeCrumbs by prior arrangement. We accept no responsibility for any damage sustained to the products once it has left the premises. If delivery has been requested, we will deliver the products on the day set out in the order confirmation to the address provided. We do not offer specific delivery times but LilyCakeCrumbs will always do the best it can to ensure delivery dates agreed are achieved for the provision of the goods or services however we cannot accept liability for delays and time shall not be of the essence. Delivery price will vary as we at LilyCakeCrumbs will be using third party delivery company such as GrabDelivery, FoodPanda or Lalamove depends on best availability. Once the product has been delivered, we are unable to accept any liability for any damage sustained to the product thereafter nor any failure to follow the instructions provided.


LilyCakeCrumbs reserves the right to take and use photographs of your cake(s) and desserts, before, during and after set up, to use for marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes, without compensation to you.


LilyCakeCrumbs will not disclose any personal information such as your name, address, email or telephone number to any person outside of the company, unless the customer has authorised us to do so or unless required by law to disclose such information. Furthermore, under no circumstances will LilyCakeCrumbs sell or receive payments or services for disclosing customer’s personal information to any partner or external company.


We do hope that you will be pleased with your purchase. However, if upon collection or delivery of the products you find that they are not as ordered by you, or the order is incomplete, or the product is in a damaged condition when you receive it, please notify us immediately by WhatsApp. If a Product is not as on the Order Confirmation or damaged we will credit or refund your purchase. In the case of damaged goods you must photo evidence of the damaged products and all packaging for verification by us. Subject to our report on the claimed damage and to these Terms and Conditions we will refund the price you paid for the returned products together with the delivery charge, or at our option we will provide you with LilyCakeCrumbs Store credits. We will have no liability to you for any indirect loss. Please state clearly your dispatch details in all communications to us.


By proceeding with a purchase you are in agreement with LilyCakeCrumbs terms and conditions as stated above.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lazy sundayyyyy

Sunday again! that's mean esok monday, i have 2 thing to do tomorrow!

  1. GYM, it's Leg Day - really looking forward and totally ready!! (ayat poyo sgt kan kan haha )
  2. Keje!! da lama sgt cuti..huwarghhhhhh!! and i'm not ready..tak ready nk keje..why do i have to work :( hahahaha
Thinking about working make me crazy! hahahaa..prefer going to gym everyday dari pegi keje hari2 hahahaha..tu diaaaa ayat poyosss..Ok hari ni rest day  from everything,except have to prepare some meal untuk mingu depan, da siap da pun..buat untuk hari selasa -khamis jea..since monday and friday WFH so boleh main masak2 sikit..ok ni hasilnya.

Untuk Brunch hari ni plak, lily buat Mee shirataki fried beef + telur mata..sedappp and carb around 2-3g saja..low in carb and high in fiber! Jyeaaahhhh!!

ok la, tu saja nk share..kan da cakap lazy sunday? hehe..

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chocolate Ice Cream LowCarb again..ok kali ni ice cream chocolate plak, lowcarb and highfat..kalo PT lily tau confirm kena bebel, dia tak berapa berkenan dgn diet high fat ni, lowcarb low fat dia ok..hahaha..sorry erk Imran..skali skala..lagipun nk abiskan whipping cream peti ais tu, hari tu nak buat cheese cake atkins tapi tetiba malas buat ice cream la plak, senang saja..2min saja..sekejap me!

Bahan2 :

  • 200ml whipping cream (*1kotak)
  • 1/4 cawan air sejuk
  • 1Biji Telur Size A
  • Essen Vanila 
  • 1tbsp Hershey's Cocoa (*lowcarb) sama brand dengan yg lily pkai utk buat mugcake
  • Equals/Stevia (*tak nak bubuh pun xpe, tp lily bubuh!) 


  • Pukul Telur tu sampai kembang
  • Campurkan 1tbsp Hershey's Cocoa dan gaul sampai sebati
  • Campurkan Equals dan gaul sampai sebati, utk Equals/Stevia ni, terpulang la nk letak bape sachet..kalo nk manis bubuh lebih sikit..lily bubuh 4 pakej
  • Campurkan Essen Vanila dan gaul sampai sebati
  • Masukkan whipping cream ke dalam adunan dan macam biasa kacau sampai sebati :D
  • Last but not least, Masukkan air sejuk dan gaul sampai sebati again..
  • Masukkan dalam tupperware dan letak kan dalam tempat beku..siappppp!!

Inilah hasil lepas campurkan ke semua bahan2 :)

*if korang rasa warnanya tak memberansangkan atau tak menarik, korang boleh add another 1tbsp Hershey's Cocoa

*Resepi ni lily amik darik budak2 KDA,thanks yea korang for sharing :*

Sekejap je kan kan kan..hehe..Selamat Mencuba yeaaa :)

owh yeahh, 10days lagi nk weight in! wish me luckkkk

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Telur Gulung Sardin

Telur Gulung Sardin

Boring makan telur? maybe busan asyik tengok benda sama jea kot..telur rebus, telur separuh masak, telur hancus, telur dadar, etc la...ok kali ni try telur gulung plak..Nk prepare pun sekejap saja dengan menggunakan 3bahan huhu


  • 2Biji Telur Size A
  • Salad/Lettuce
  • Sardin (masak sardin ni dlu yea)


  • Pecah dan pukul telur tu
  • Guna non-stick pan, then korang masak la telur tu..nipis2 la sebab nk bungkus kan dia kan nanti :D
  • Telur dadar nipis yg sudah dimasak, korang letak salad/lettuce dan letak sardine
  • Last but not least, Gulungkan saja..Siap!!!

Selamat Mencubaaaa :)

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Crispy Sardine Bread

Crispy Sardine Bread

Hari ni asyik lapa jea, hmmm.. da makan 4kali da ni, PT cakap metabolism tgh up, sbb tu asyik lapa je every arini mmg makan je la..but makan benda yang boleh makan jea..yg mengarut mmg tak boleh! sbb hujung bulan ni nk weight atleast 5kg hilang..penurunan this month mmg tak berapa banyak, since target more kepada fatloss and at the same time muscle pun naik bila timbang tu antara naik atau statik..kalo timbang pkai penimbang biasa mmg nangis oooo kena timbang dekat GYM..but inchloss SUPERB!!ok2..enough with this..lets start with the resepi plak..

Resepi Crisypy ni kali credit to page Es & Ef, lily just olah sikit2 jea..tambah apa yg lily rasa perlu and buang apa yg tak it goes.......


  • 60g brown flaxseed yang da dikisar, texture ala2 tepung gitu
  • secubit garam (*xsmpi secubit pun, sikit sgt utk buat rasa)
  • 1tbsp physillium husk
  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • Air secukupnyaaaa (Kat sini korg kena agak2 yea, jgn lembik sgt plak)

Cara-Caranya :

  • Campurkan brown flaxseed, physillium husk dan secubit garam dengan sekata/sebati
  • Tambah 1 sudu olive oil, dan gaul sampai dia sebati..make sure texture dia tak berketul2 yea
  • Tambah air dlm 4tbsp dlu, dan gaul sampai sebati..korg gaul smpi dapat texture macam doh roti tu..kalo xcukup air tambah lagi..Kat sini korg kena agak2 yea, jgn lembik sgt plak
  • Biarkan adunan ni selama 1-1jam setengah, utk make sure flaxseed ni kembang dgn jayanya
  • Adunan ni boleh buat 4 keping crispy bread, depends dgn size korang bulat2 kan tu..
  • Make sure korang goreng dalam non-stick pan yea, letak butter sikit jea..

Senang je kan? Crispy Bread ni korang boleh makan dgn pape pun, as for me da lama sangat mengidam sardine jadi la Crispy Bread Sardine!! nyum nyummm..sedap sgtttt!!!

Selamat mencuba :)

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Chocolate Peanut Mug Cake

Chocolate Peanut Mug Cake

Pernah dengar pasal chocolate mug cake tak? resepi in inspired from youtube..just lily olah sikit2 bubuh peanut butter tu peanut butter lovers! you guys must love thisssssssss...

Ni antara bahan2 yg lily gunakan utk buat mug cake ni..It will only take 2min jea..tak caya? try laaaaa..

Bahan2 : 

  • 2 sachet Equal - 1 sachet dlm 0.97g carb, 2 sachet 1.95g carb (*kalo ade stevia drop, boleh pkai stevia drop jea..lagi jimat carbs)
  • 1 Biji Telur (Size A)
  • 2tbsp Hershey's Cocoa - 1tbsp dlm 1g carb (3- 2g fiber = 1 carb), 2 tbsp 2g carb

Hershey's Cocoa

  • 1tsp Peanut Butter - 1g carb (so far brand Steffi's ni paling lowcarb)

Peanut Butter

  • Campurkan 2 tbsp Hershey's Cocoa dan 2 sachet equals ke dalam MUG dan gaul sampai both bahan sebati
  • Masukkan 1 biji telur Size A, dan gaul bahan tersebut sampai sebati
  • Masukkan 1tsb Peanut butter dan gaul bahan tersebut sampai sebati

INI adalah hasil selepas gaul semua bahan dgn jayanya yea :D

  • Masukkan dalam microwave dan letak masa dalam 30 saat..
  • Keluarkan sekejap dan gaul bagi bahan sebati..
  • Kat sini depends erk, kalo korang suka Mug Cake korang cam lembik2, 30 Saat da cukup da..
  • For me, i will add another 10 saat, just nice!! tak lembik sgt dan x keras sgt..
For those yg tak suke peanut butter or nak jimat carbs, korang boleh remove peanut butter from resepi ni..cake ni akan jadik Chocolate Mug Cake and taste good too!!

Total carb dalam 5g camtu la..but if korang guna stevia, total carb akan jadik around 3 camtu jea..low kan? so cepat carik stevia! i'm going to buy stevia soon too :)

Senang dan sekejap je kan? 2min je uolsss...Selamat Mencubaaaaaa :)

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"

Friday, September 5, 2014

LowCarb Laksa!

Happy Friday!! Ok entry kali ni bukan nk share pasal resepi tp more focus dekat Mee Shirataki..pernah dengar? Only those yg buat Atkins atau LowCarb saja yg akan tahu pasal kewujudan Mee Shirataki ni apa..Apa yg best pasal mee ni isssssssss sgt sgt sgt sgt low carb!! 1 package dalam 4g carb saja.. Mee Shirataki ni diperbuat daripada Pokok Konjac! to know more korg leh check this out ok

Haaaa ni la dia Mee Shirataki tu, and sume ni org da book da..hehe..Berat 1 pakej dalam 250g, and boleh buat mkn 2 kali *for me la

ok laa...tu saja nk share..korg kalo nk beli or order boleh roger lily yea

Quotes for the Month:
"Progress is Progress no matter how small"