Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hotel Ibis Jakarta Kemayoran

Last 2weeks, me and my friends went for a short trip to Jakarta, We stayed at Hotel Ibis Jakarta Kemayoran. Actually at the first time quite afraid gak la cause we don't know the condition of the room. Hotel was book by my friend using Agoda. Price is really suitable for those who're on budget which why we choose this hotel, 3D2N only RM 264 for 2 person which mean for 1 person only 132. Quite worth it kan? But as i said, we don't know the condition of room and services there..cross finger je la huhu..

How to go to Hotel Ibis Jakarta Kemayoran?

We take AirAsia flight which is landed at Terminal 3, Jakarta.. from there we take shuttle bus (yellow color) to go to other Terminal which are Terminal 2D..shuttle bus is free k so no worries.

From Terminal 2D, you guys kena turun 1 level lagi..afta that only you'll see Damri counter bus(small counter)..The ticket only Rp20 000 which is around Rm7 only and it takes around 1hours with jem?huhu..lebey kurang la..turun kat station Kemayoran k which is the last station.

From Kemayoran station, take tut tut k, price around Rp7500 per person which is around RM 5..Maybe leh dapat murah lagi kot? we're also not sure..but be careful k, once you guys turun from bus, nnt de la orang tanya nak naek ONJENG or not..ONJENG=MOTO!! kitorg almost nak naek ok..manalah tau kan hahaha..last2 naek tut tut jea around 10-15min..dekat jea :D

So we arrived at Hotel Ibis Jakarta Kemayoran..So here's some of the picture that i took!
main enterance

Bathroom! bersih kan? sukeee~

siap de glass door lagi..i likeee~

our room view..erk?hahaha

2 bed..1 for me and 1 for eppa!

Nice kan hotel ni? i give 6/10, sume sebab tade wireless dalam bilik! only lan kabel :P
So we stay at this for 2nite, last day we take breakfast from's because they got 50% disc ok! so around Rs 72600 for 2 person which equals to RM24.46 murah kan? For me it's totally worth it..dun believe me? sila tengok sendiri picture kat bawah ni yea..
what a heavy breakfast!pheewww~

coffee!! sedap sgt black coffee itu~

bahagian nasik n all d lauk

sky juice :)

I love this d most! juice buah2..macam2 ada :D



datang jea trus serbu bubur nasik medan~

western style..siap de omelette lagi org buat kan :D

nice view for breakfast~

my name!! :)


nk gak western..huhu
so camne?best kan? if de kesempatan pegi jakarta again, i will consider this hotel again..yeaayyy!~ finally setel pun blogging pasal hotel ni..kak nor da tanya2 da..opppsss ~ :D until we meet again..okbye! 

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