Saturday, October 27, 2012

Weekend at e@curve

Hi!! It's been awhile since my last update! I'm too busy with work i guess huhu..a lot of things need to update actually especially about my trip to singapore..again! :) it was awesome! I'll update about that later ok..

So tell me about your weekend this week? Still in Raya Aidiladha mood? Not anymore :P so i went to Damansara looking for some anime stuff with my love for his dinner next week, the theme for this year is Anime! We actually found 1 shop at e@curve that sell those stuff..

Cool right? It's Ichigo Hollow mask from bleach character! Hihi.. Ichigo will turn to this mask only when he got angry! Can you guys imagine that? Well i'm not fan to any anime, use to but not anymore :) well have a great weekend guys and Salam Aidiladha from us..