Saturday, May 24, 2014

Almond Cookies Low Carb

Another good recipe to share dengan korang, low card Almond Cookies!! and the bonus is low carb ok. Anggaran carb ni utk 1 cookies around 1.5carb saja..told ya sgt2 low carb!!!

Almond Cookies Low Carb 

1 cup almond flour ( lily buat sendiri almond flour ni, 1 cawan 9g carb)
2 scoop protein powder (flavor chocolate, nk letak plain pun boleh, carb per serv 3g, 2 scoop 6g)
1tsp baking powder
1tsp essence vanila (xnk bubuh pun xpe)
1sachet equals (xnk bubuh pun xpe)
1tsp cinnamon powder (* increase your metabolism level)
1 biji telur
2 sudu peanut butter, OPTIONAL! ( ni cheat sikit, lily pkai brand skippy, per serv 3.8g, 2sudu 7.2g)


Panaskan oven dlu, letak suhu 250 camtu la
campur sume bahan kering dalam bekas dan gaul sampai sebati
masuk kan essence vanila dan gaul sampai sebati gak (*ayat apa nk guna selain sebati erk? keh keh keh)
last but not least, masukkan telur sebiji dan gaul adunan sampai menjadi bentuk doh
siapppp!! da boleh bakar da...

Cara nk bakar plak:

korang buat bentuk bulat kecik2, then susun dalam loyang nak bakar tu.. make sure de jarak2 yea
untuk bagi bentuk, korg tekan guna garupu, nanti dapat la bentuk cam gambar ni..setel!!
bakar dalam oven dlm 10min camtu jea, sekejap jea, kalo nk tau dia da masak ke tak korang boleh dengar bunyi minyak darik cookies tu..(* eh camne erk nk terangkan bunyi tu? da buat nnt korg tau la :P )

ok setel!! make sure korang sejukkan dlu baru tutup bekas yea..nnt berkulat plak..alaa cam biskut raya tu..Selamat Mencuba!! Happy Atkins :)

*Nota kaki : owh yeah, adunan ni boleh buat dlm 18-20 cookies, depends kat size cookies korg :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Atkins - Nasi Goreng Couliflower


Salam korang, untuk pengetahuan sume sekarang nie lily tengah amalkan diet Atkins ni, so sometimes i have to admit mmg rindu sgt nk mkn benda pedas2 like nasi goreng kanpung pedas giler! mmg fav lily! tak rindu nasi tapi rindu nk mkn benda pedas..boleh x? hahaha..takleh blah kan ayat? cakap je la rindu nk mkn nasi kan kan kan..hehe..ok2..hari nie lily nk share erk menu yang lily enjoy sangat while doing atkins.

Nasi Goreng Couliflower

1 Mangkuk Cauliflower - Disagat
8 biji cili padi - lily suke mkn pedas, kalo xnk pedas boleh kurangkan yea
2 ulas bawang putih
1/2 ulas bawang merah
Ikan bilis kecil - basuh and rendam sekejap utk hilangkan rasa garam

Bahan hiasan:

Ikan bilis goreng
Zucchini (timun jepun, low carbs berbanding dgn timun biasa)
Telur Mata! *wajib ada


Tumbuk bawang merah, bawang putih, cili padi dan ikan bilis sampai lumat
Panaskan minyak dan goreng bahan yg ditumbuk sampai bau naik dan goreng sampai garing yea..
Masukkan cauliflower dan goreng sampai kering
Pecahkan telur dan gaul smpi sebati

* Nota kaki : lily xletak garam tau, sbb masin kat ikan bilis tu da cukup da bagi lily tapi kalo korang nak bubuh pun boleh..terpulang pada tekak masing2 yea :)

ok setel! korang hiaslah dengan ikan bilis, zucchini dan telur goreng! Selamat mencuba..

Monday, December 3, 2012

Chocolate Sugarless!

Korangggggg..Finally i found that chocolate that i've been looking for! huhu..almost 2weeks carik..rupa2nya they also sell it at Cold Storage .I think any Cold Storage would do..I bought this 2 at Cold Storage Alamanda..yeaaayyy!~ Tried the Strawberry Creamy White Chocolate and it's taste really great! but this chocolate quite expensive. The Big Nut is around RM20++ and Strawberry around RM15++ huhu.. but sedap sgttttt and i guess it's worth it! :)

Sugarless Chocolate~

Strawberry Creamy White Chocolate..delicioussssss!~

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Malas sgt nk update blog..Nape la penyakit ni selalu sgt dtg padaku erk? sob3
Nk update pasal singapore aritu pun mls..bila la penyakit rajin ni nak dtg..huhu..datang la cepat...

Datang la cepat yea penyakit rajin..plzzzz

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Weekend at e@curve

Hi!! It's been awhile since my last update! I'm too busy with work i guess huhu..a lot of things need to update actually especially about my trip to singapore..again! :) it was awesome! I'll update about that later ok..

So tell me about your weekend this week? Still in Raya Aidiladha mood? Not anymore :P so i went to Damansara looking for some anime stuff with my love for his dinner next week, the theme for this year is Anime! We actually found 1 shop at e@curve that sell those stuff..

Cool right? It's Ichigo Hollow mask from bleach character! Hihi.. Ichigo will turn to this mask only when he got angry! Can you guys imagine that? Well i'm not fan to any anime, use to but not anymore :) well have a great weekend guys and Salam Aidiladha from us..

Saturday, August 4, 2012

It's WEEKEND!! :)

Weekend is finally here, so i decided to go back to being ME again!! yeeeaayyyy!~
Well it's good to be back most of the time hehe :) have a great weekend guys!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

People Make Mistake...

I don't forgive people cause I'm weak
I forgive them cause I'm strong enough
to understand people make mistakes.